A lot of people may remember Advance Wars series as a flash in the pan, popping out of nowhere on the Gameboy Advance and then dying out a few years later on the DS. But in Japan, the Wars series was one of Nintendo’s longest running, prolific franchises, starting on the Famicom before spreading its military might to the Gameboy, Super Famicom, GameCube, and the Wii.
For folks who had been following the franchise for the 20 years up to its abrupt conclusion, hearing that Intelligent Systems had no “clear idea” on the future of the franchise felt like the end of an era. Likewise, for longtime fans, this month’s Advance Wars: Re-Boot Camp remakes from WayForward has a lot more weight to it when you know how much strife this series has been through.
The thing is though, when Days of Ruin capped off the Advance Wars series (or ruined it, depending on who you ask), there wasn’t a big announcement or moment of closure that came with it. When new games are shown for the first time, marketing makes a big deal of it it. When old games power down for the last time, they often just fade away, like a former best friend that you used to go shoe shopping with, but haven’t seen for years. The longer you go without texting or calling them, the weird it feels to hit them up out of the blue, so you just don’t.
But what if you did call that friend again, a decade or more after you last planned to, and actually took that trip to Skechers. Would the shoes still fit? Will your time apart prove to have made you more or less compatible pals? Here are a few games I’d love to see call again, just so we could find out.
Before Mario reinvented the genre with his Super game from 1986, the biggest name in side-scrolling platformers was undoubtedly
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