The franchise has numerous games spanning across multiple decades, with each one finding unique ways to stand out with their individual narratives. Since 1986, every game has chronicled the adventures of its protagonist, Link, as he fights to save the kingdom of Hyrule from destruction.
There are many intriguing moments in these numerous games that still haven't been fully explained to this day. These range from mysterious creatures that appear during a particular side quest to an ambiguous ending that leaves players with far more questions than answers. There is so much potential as to what new games in this franchise could entail, but there are many specific aspects of prior games that Nintendo should take time to focus more on.
One of 's most bizarre moments occurs during the first day at Romani Ranch. Apparently, every year, strange creatures arrive at the ranch two days before the Carnival Of Time to abduct the cows. Although these creatures are simply referred to as «They» by the citizens, many fans have noted that these things seem to be some sort of alien.
These strange aliens almost made a reappearance in , as concept art showed a massive UFO floating over Hyrule. Considering the fact that the origins of these aliens still have yet to be explained, it could be interesting if Nintendo ever decided to make a game centered around them so that fans can finally have some answers.
One of the most fascinating and surprising twists in centers around Sheik. In the game, it is revealed that Sheik is actually Princess Zelda in disguise, as she was raised by the Sheika warrior Impa while hiding from Ganondorf. This transformation is incredibly fascinating, as it has provided Zelda with numerous abilities, such as increased stealth and combat prowess, that hadn't been seen before.
As incredible as this twist is, the player never actually gets to see just what kind of training Zelda goes through as Sheik. With how popular was, it is clear that numerous Zelda fans enjoy