The Resident Evil series is a successful franchise that has spanned multiple games and has birthed movie and television adaptations. Although the series began as a horror franchise that drew players in through its ability to maintain a tense, ominous atmosphere, its identity has changed over the years. Resident Evil 4 saw the series incorporating more action elements, and this trend only continued with Resident Evil 5 and Resident Evil 6, which seemingly aspire to emulate action movies. With Resident Evil 7, however, Capcom decided to return the series to its roots and craft a terrifying horror game.
Resident Evil 7 takes on a first-person perspective and centers on Ethan Winters, a man who is on the hunt for his wife. As he explores the house he stumbles upon, he discovers that the family there is far from normal, and there are many dangers he must overcome if he wants to rescue his wife and make it out alive. Not only did Capcom give the series a needed popularity boost with Resident Evil 7, but it also produced one of the scariest games ever.
Five Years Later, Resident Evil 7: Biohazard is Still Worth Revisiting
Part of what makes Resident Evil 7 so scary is its array of villains and enemies. Whether it be killer insects or a marauding member of the Baker family, the shadows always carry a promise of danger. The dread of knowing one will be going up against another nightmarish monster soon is enough to keep the tension high for the game’s entire duration.
Ethan is drawn to the Baker family’s home in Louisiana after receiving a message from his wife, Mia, who has been missing for years. Ethan loves his wife very much, and this is seen through the lengths that he is willing to go to rescue her. However, once he finds