This is one of the many questions players will face when acquiring better gear in the next coming weeks. With Tier sets representing a big step up in damage for some classes, it is hard to know when to replace it with new gear.
To help players with this decision, we've asked our class writers to prepare a tailored section in their Tier Set pages with an analysis of when is most beneficial for each spec to break their Season 2 set bonuses during Dragonflight Season 3. You can find more information for your spec below.
Blood DKFrost DKUnholy DK
Havoc DHVengeance DH
Guardian DruidFeral DruidBalance DruidRestoration Druid
Augmentation EvokerDevastation EvokerPreservation Evoker
BM HunterMM HunterSurvival Hunter
Arcane MageFire MageFrost Mage
Brewmaster MonkMistweaver MonkWindwalker Monk
Holy PaladinProtection PaladinRetribution Paladin
Discipline PriestHoly PriestShadow Priest
Assassination RogueOutlaw RogueSubtlety Rogue
Elemental ShamanEnhancement ShamanRestoration Shaman
Affliction WarlockDemonology WarlockDestruction Warlock
Arms WarriorFury WarriorProtection Warrior.