Based on the namesake Japanese manga series written by Riichiro Inagaki and illustrated by the South Korean artist Boichi, is a post-apocalyptic science fiction adventure anime TV show. The plot predominantly revolves around 16-year-old prodigy Senku Ishigami, who is petrified along with the rest of the world when a mysterious flash appears out of nowhere in 2019. Three thousand and seven hundred years later, Senku is revived and subsequently resolves to restart human civilization with his extensive knowledge of science.
The anime premiered on July 5, 2019, and garnered widespread popularity. Season 3 started airing on June 4, 2023, in Japan and is available on Crunchyroll (simulcast) in the US. If you are wondering whether there will be a fourth season, we got you covered.
Here’s all the information we know so far, and all the details on when it is coming out.
As of early December 2023, Dr. Stone hasn’t been renewed for Season 4, but it’s likely a matter of time before that happens. After all, Dr. Stone is one of the most popular ongoing Shōnen anime with an equally popular source material. Season 3 adapts parts of the Source of the Petrification Saga of the manga series and will likely end by adapting the beginning of The Truth of the Petrification Saga or New America City Arc, perfectly setting up Season 4.
Dr. Stone is a complete manga series that was originally published between March 6, 2017, and March 7, 2022. Given how much material is still left, there is scope for at least one more season beyond season 4.
The voice cast includes Yūsuke Kobayashi as Senku Ishigami, Makoto Furukawa as Taiju Oki, Kana Ichinose as Yuzuriha Ogawa, Yuichi Nakamura as Tsukasa Shishio, Kengo Kawanishi as Gen Asagiri, Gen Satō as