Throughout the Warcraft franchise, Azeroth has seen much conflict and strife. From countless demonic invasions to weekly world-ending events. the people of Azeroth have been through a lot. Perhaps the most important events in the history of Warcraft are the four great wars that had the factions of Azeroth fighting against each other. These wars saw the rise of new villains, the death of many popular characters, and the destruction of various locales on Azeroth. Each war shaped the trajectory of Azeroth and molded the characters of Warcraft into what they are today.
The first three great wars in Warcraft were covered in the Warcraft RTS games. These wars saw the creation of the Horde and Alliance, as well as popular characters like Arthas Menethil and Illidan Stormrage. After years of struggling against world-ending events in World of Warcraft, the factions of Azeroth prepped for the fourth great war in Battle for Azeroth. A war that was rife with controversy and the destruction of some fan favorite locales, and a war that almost caused the destruction of Azeroth.
Warcraft: The Events of The Third War
Anger and resentment has always existed between the Horde and Alliance. Both factions had to set aside their differences to fight back against The Burning Legion in Legion, but behind the scenes the resentment boiled. King Genn Greymane and Lady Jaina Produmoore blamed the Horde for King Varian Wrynn's death at the Broken Shore, and both of them wanted to renew hostiles with the Horde.
Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner wanted to strengthen the Horde and create new Forsaken Val'kyr, so she traveled to Stormheim to capture Eyir. Greymane tracked her there and fought her, and successfully stopped her She was angered by this, but the two