HBO Max releases a new trailer for its upcoming true-crime series, The Staircase, starring Colin Firth as Michael Peterson. Based on real events and a documentary series by the same name, the show focuses on the suspicious death of Kathleen Peterson (Toni Collette) and the subsequent conviction of her husband, Michael Peterson (Colin Firth) for her murder. Set to portray the couple’s on-screen children are Sophie Turner (Game of Thrones), Dane DeHaan (A Cure for Wellness), Odessa Young (Shirley), Olivia DeJonge (The Visit), and Patrick Schwarzenegger (Moxie).
Now, in a trailer released by HBO Max, viewers are treated to a closer look at Firth’s outing as Peterson, the family man suspected of murder. Quickly setting the scene of a loving and happy household, the trailer is slowly juxtaposed with images of the grieving Peterson family. Jumping to a shot of the infamous bloody staircase, the mysterious circumstances around the death of Kathleen quickly find the finger of blame pointed at Michael. As a camera crew is invited into the home and the legal and media scrutiny piles on, the Petersons gather for a family meal. Check out the trailer below:
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Created by Antonio Campos and Maggie Cohn, production on The Staircase officially began in June of 2021. Though it was initially reported that Harrison Ford would play the part of Peterson, the role ultimately fell to Firth by March of last year. Additional cast members include Juliette Binoche, Rosemarie DeWitt, Michael Stuhlbarg, Tim Guinee, and Parker Posey. The Staircase debuts on HBO Max on May 5.
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Source: HBO Max