The Season of the Haunted in Destiny 2 is in its final week. With the new season approaching soon, this is the last time certain items will be seen in the Eververse Store for a while.
The Eververse Store is nothing short of an in-game shopping mall. From consumables to fancy weapons and armor ornaments, this place has it all. However, the items sold in the Eververse Store offer no competitive advantage whatsoever. Everything available in the store is purely cosmetic in nature, other than the consumables. These items don't affect performance either.
That said, there are two currencies that Guardians can use in the Destiny 2 Eververse Store. The first currency is known as Silver. Players cannot earn this currency in the game. Instead, it needs to be purchased with real money. Bright Dust, however, can be easily acquired in the game by completing bounties and other activities.
Like every other week in Destiny 2, the Eververse Store will have a fresh set of items for sale after the weekly reset on Tuesday. Come Tuesday, the store will sell the following items for Bright Dust:
There's just one ship on sale this week. The ship is known as the Wings of the Firebird. Since it's an Exotic Ship, it will be priced at 2000 Bright Dust. Moreover, this ship hasn't been seen in the item shop throughout the entire season. This is a really good-looking ship and is something that many Guardians will be looking to get their hands on in the game.
The Sparrow for sale this week is yet again an Exotic Sparrow. The Sparrow is known as the Open Sky Tourer and resembles a convertible in many ways. That said, this item has been seen in the Eververse Store previously, but it was being sold for Silver. Since this is the season's final week, the item