Mamma Mia! The Super Mario Bros. Movie is out in theaters now. The new animated movie from Nintendo and Universal sees Mario (voiced by Chris Pratt) and Luigi (Charlie Day) as Brooklyn plumbers dreaming of a bigger and better life. When they fall through a pipe into the Mushroom Kingdom, the pair get split up as Luigi is captured by Bowser (Jack Black). To get his brother back, he embarks on an epic journey with the help of Princess Peach (Anya Taylor-Joy), Donkey Kong (Seth Rogen), and Toad (Keegan-Michael Key).
While this isn’t a superhero movie, with movies like Sonic The Hedgehog 2 having a post-credits sting too, it’s understandable that you might be keen to know whether this will follow in the same footsteps. To help you out, we’ve got your lowdown on The Super Mario Bros. Movie post-credits scenes, answering how many there are, what goes down, and whether they set up a sequel.
There are two post-credits scenes in total in The Super Mario Bros. Movie. The first one arrives after the stylized credits sequence, while the second comes after the full credits have finished rolling.
We’ll be getting to spoiler-heavy details from here on out about what exactly goes down in the post-credits scenes from here on out. So if you’ve not yet seen it, bookmark this page for later. But if you have, well, let’s-a go!
The mid-credits scene sees Bowser back after his defeat at the hands of Mario, Peach, and Luigi. When it begins he starts singing about his plans to kill them in revenge. However, as the shot zooms out, it becomes clear that he’s actually trapped in a cage, and is still stuck in his miniature size. While it seems he’s not best pleased with our beloved heroes, his threat is likely neutralized for now. But perhaps we’ve