The Last Worker is a first-person narrative adventure centered around our struggle in an increasingly automated world. Combining a hand-crafted art style with uniquely immersive gameplay mechanics in an epic setting, The Last Worker delivers an emotional, thought-provoking, and comedic storyThe Last Worker is a first-person narrative adventure centered around our struggle in an increasingly automated world.
Combining a hand-crafted art style with uniquely immersive gameplay mechanics in an epic setting, The Last Worker delivers an emotional, thought-provoking, and comedic story packaged with rich characters performed by an all-star cast.6,8/10 The stylization from Borderlands, the plot from the Portal, the gameplay from "Papers, Please", but somehow.. not one of the aspects6,8/10 The stylization from Borderlands, the plot from the Portal, the gameplay from "Papers, Please", but somehow..
not one of the aspects of the game can be called "core", the game does not stand out in any way, I won't remember any from it in the future, but I can`t turn a finger down on it. The plot here is very bad, banal, does not cause any emotions, based on 2 flying micro-robots with terrible designs, with a bunch of "penis-ass" mediocre humor, there is no lore, just..
we are the last person in the robotic futuristic "Amazon", there is a warehouse, there are secret ventilations, that's the whole universe of the game. The gameplay is divided into 2 types: the main work of transferring boxes, marking damaged/inappropriate, this type is quite small, and you may not even get all types of goods in 1 walktrough, and the second: this is the simplest stealth/puzzle in ventilation, and runner-sections.