is the latest installment in the chaotic world of Wario and his eccentric allies, bringing with it over 200 microgames and an inventive new multiplayer mode. Though the long-running Nintendo series just celebrated its 20th anniversary this year, it still maintains its trademark brand of comedy and fast-paced gameplay. A recent hands-on preview at a Nintendo Holiday Showcase gave a glimpse at what players can expect from the upcoming title's style, games, and various modes.
Just as its predecessor , takes full advantage of the Switch's motion control capabilities in its gameplay. This time the mechanics center around different poses — called Forms — that players assume with their controllers prior to each microgame; the demo showed off a handful of these like Fashionista, where the left hand is on the hip and the other is raised and pointed towards the right ear, and the self-explanatory Squat, where a controller rests on each thigh. Though only a few were shown during the preview, it's likely this library of positions will greatly expand over the course of the game.
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The demo first took a partner and I through assorted microgames via the Museum, which houses a collection of all unlocked activities. It's here players can try each game independently to improve at them, with optional settings to make the timer much shorter, amping up the difficulty a significant amount. The first microgame shown here used the Fashionista pose, putting us in the role of a turtle scrubbing their shell clean with a towel behind our back. Lots of the activities within also pay homage to other Nintendo titles in fun ways, like a game where players navigate the sky as