Table of Contents Adventure – Secret credits Diablo 2 – The cow level A Link to the Past – The Chris Houlihan room Dead Space – Chapter name spoilers Batman Arkham Asylum – Arkham City plans Wave Race: Blue Storm – Insulting announcer Halo: Reach – Community spotlight
As long as there have been video games, there have been secrets hidden within them. There are some things like secret endings to find, but Easter Eggs are more about the fun of finding them than actually adding something to the game. It is a tradition that began at the beginning of the video game console generation timeline and persists to this day. Fans love scouring the biggest open-world games and looking into the code of the best indies to see if there’s some secret waiting to be found and shared. We can’t wait to see what Easter Eggs are found in all the upcoming video games, but for now, we wanted to look back and round up all the best ones from gaming history.
We couldn’t start with any other Easter Egg than the one widely considered to be the first one in gaming history. Adventure is a very basic Atari game where you guide a block of pixels around a sprawling map trying to reach a chalace. This was in a period when games didn’t have credits, so no one knew who was making them besides the publisher. The solo developer of Adventure wanted to tell the world he made the game, but had to do it in a secret way that Atari wouldn’t see and remove. So, Warren Robinett made a secret room in the game that requires players to carry an invisible pixel to a specific place to access where he wrote out “Created by Warren Robinett.” He wasn’t sure anyone would be able to discover it, but a boy named Adam Clayton managed to somehow figure it out and even wrote to Atari to share his discovery. Thankfully, Robinett had already left the company at that time.
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