is a dark and gritty superhero film directed by Matt Reeves and featuring Robert Pattinson as Batman. It explores Batman’s early years as a vigilante in Gotham City and follows his quest to solve a series of gruesome murders orchestrated by the Riddler. The film explores themes of corruption and ambiguous morality through supporting characters like Catwoman and Penguin. Known for its noir-inspired tone and focus on Batman as a detective, it offers a fresh take on the iconic superhero.
Here’s where you can watch The Batman (2022) online.
The movie’s cast includes Robert Pattinson as Bruce Wayne/Batman, Zoë Kravitz as Selina Kyle/Catwoman, Paul Dano as Edward Nashton/Riddler, Jeffrey Wright as Lieutenant Jim Gordon, John Turturro as Carmine Falcone, Peter Sarsgaard as District Attorney Gil Colson, Barry Keoghan as Joker, Andy Serkis as Alfred Pennyworth, Colin Farrell as Oz Cobblepot/Penguin, Jayme Lawson as Mayor Bella Reál, Gil Perez-Abraham as Officer Martinez, Peter McDonald as Detective William Kenzie, Con O’Neill as Chief Mackenzie Bock, Alex Ferns as Commissioner Pete Savage, Rupert Penry-Jones as Mayor Don Mitchell, Jr., Charlie Carver as Twin #1, Max Carver as Twin #2, Kosha Engler as Mrs. Mitchell, Archie Barnes as Don Mitchell, Jr.’s Son, Hana Hrzic as Annika Kosolov, Luke Roberts as Dr. Thomas Wayne, Stella Stocker as Martha Wayne, and Sandra Dickinson as Dory.
To access The Batman (2022) for online streaming, users can subscribe to Amazon Prime. Here’s how to sign up:
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