The bizarre case of Star Citizen continues to grow increasingly bizarre by the day, even if it is something that most have just started taking for granted by this point. Cloud Imperium Games’ massive space-faring MMO has been in development for close to a decade and a half and still doesn’t have a release date in sight- though it continues to draw crowdfunding, with the total funds the game has managed to raise through those channels continuing to climb to surprising heights.
For instance, as per the developer’s official website, Star Citizen’s crowdfunding has now surpassed a whopping $700 million. To be precise, at the time of writing, the online title has raised $705,321,458 in crowdfunding.
And when exactly is Star Citizen coming out? Well, that’s the thing. Having entered development all the way back in 2010, Star Citizen is still without a release date. Developer Cloud Imperium Games said earlier in the year that following the game’s upcoming Alpha 4.0 release, the next target would be a full, global launch– though there’s still no word on exactly how long the wait for that will be.