One of our partners is interested in learning more about the Wowhead community and its preferences and experience when it comes to World of Warcraft and other games. We’ve partnered with them to conduct a survey and sweepstakes to support their desire to create an improved gaming experience with their future titles in development and also offer Wowhead users an opportunity to participate for a chance to win some free World of Warcraft game time codes.
We estimate it should take no more than 5-10 minutes to complete this survey. Those who submit the survey, completely and thoughtfully, will be entered into a sweepstakes for the prizes listed below provided they include their email address when prompted (this is entirely optional, you do not need to provide your email address to complete the survey). Winners will be contacted up to 10 business days after the survey entry period ends.
Survey Link
This survey will be completed via QuestionPro. Please click the below button to start the survey.
Your email address and Wowhead username will not be sold or used for any other purpose.