After Spider-Man tangled with an evil corporation dedicated to technological advancements no matter the moral consequences, he discovered Marvel Comics' wild secret to immortality. At least, members of his team did, as one piece of tech created by the villainous Beyond Corporation was used against them by Ben Reilly’s girlfriend, Janine, in an attempt to save Spider-Man’s life. During Janine’s act of violent rebellion, Spider-Man’s closest ally uncovered the secret of immortality, completely by accident.
In Amazing Spider-Man #93 by Zeb Wells and Patrick Gleason, Ben Reilly has fully snapped due to the mental torture he endured by the hands of the Beyond Corporation. Beyond systematically erased portions of Ben’s memory in an effort to better control him as their own personal superhero, one who wasn’t encouraged to do what was right but to do what they’re told. To take down the evil corporation, Ben Reilly reunites with Peter Parker, but quickly turns on him as he wants to steal all of Peter’s memories that were erased from his head and make them his own.
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During the tragic conflict between the two Spider-Men, Reilly’s ally throughout his time with Beyond, Marcus, is being taken away by Beyond mercenaries to be killed as the company wishes to scrub every ounce of their connection with the fallout that came of their control over Spider-Man. While there was little Marcus could do to fight back, Janine, who had been on the run since Ben Reilly defected, appeared seemingly out of nowhere with a weapon she pulled from Beyond’s laboratory, a weapon that was dubbed the “infantilizer.” Janine fired the gun at the people who were tasked with killing Marcus, turning them