One attentive gamer found an unexpected surprise during their latest subway ride, sharing a picture of a clever reference to Bandai Namco’s Pac-Man hidden in plain sight on a Stockholm metro train. The puck-shaped protagonist has become synonymous with the gaming industry over the years, with Pac-Man’s arcade roots representing only a small part of the character’s lasting appeal.
Making its debut in Japan in 1980 and helping to set off what would become a global arcade craze, Pac-Man is one of the most recognizable properties in gaming. Even those who have never taken the arcade classic for a spin are likely familiar with the game’s pellet-munching hero and his ghostly adversaries. While the original Pac-Man arcade cabinet probably represents the character’s most well-known appearance, Pac-Man has shown up in everything from kid-friendly platformers to Nintendo’s Super Smash Bros. series over the years.
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Highlighting just how much of a global presence Bandai Namco’s Pac-Man has established for itself, a new picture posted to the r/gaming subreddit shows a clever reference to the iconic character embedded into the air vent on a Stockholm subway train. The picture, posted by Reddit user PUSCIFER, shows a subway air vent not dissimilar to the ones found inside countless subway cars around the world. Upon closer inspection, though, it’s possible to see Pac-Man hidden in among the vent's circular openings. Keeping true to the character’s arcade roots, this hidden Pac-Man Easter Egg is being chased by three hungry ghosts that have been similarly stamped into the vent.
Redditors responding to the post were amused by the clever Pac-Man Easter Egg and impressed that PUSCIFER