Eight years, 32 seasons, 70 operators. In all that time, Rainbow Six Siege players can point to only a few moments where the cornerstone of its meta—breaching—saw upheaval. In 2015 the Bandit trick proved Thatcher could be countered, in 2018 Maverick offered an unstoppable (but risky) option to brute force a wall, then Kaid offered protection for hatches. Alternate options for breaching charges and EMPs have slotted nicely into the meta since then, but I'm not sure anyone is ready for Tubarão.
Tubarão is the new defender of Operation Deep Freeze, entering testing this week and releasing in early December. He's a 2-speed, 2-armor operator packing the Zoto canister—a throwable sticky bomb that freezes everything in a few-meter radius. Operators who walk in the frozen area of effect are slowed and leave footprints that linger for several seconds, but that's only the half of it. All gadgets in the fro-zone are deactivated with very few exceptions.
He's sort of like having Mute's signal jammer in your pocket, except it can be thrown from a distance, starts jamming gadgets instantly, and can interrupt breaching charges that have already begun detonating. It's an intimidating new piece on the board for attackers who've contended with reinforced walls the same way since 2015. Not even mechanical devices immune to Mute's effects, like Ram's breaching bots or secondary hard breach charges, can escape Tubarão's deep freeze.
Tubarão's full loadout:
Ubisoft has a habit of introducing gadgets that appear to just be better versions of older ones, and I do wonder if the Zoto will go on to outclass Mute or even Kaid, but I suspect two key weaknesses will rein him in: the Zoto canister can't destroy gadgets on its own, and it only jams
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