There are plenty of features fans would like the Nintendo Switch 2 to have. From folders to home themes, the Switch 2 has the potential to implement a lot of the most requested features that were missing from the original Switch. While Nintendo has yet to confirm any details about what the Switch 2 will look like, let alone what features it will have, fans are nevertheless constantly dreaming about their perfect versions of it.
Unfortunately, many believe that the Switch 2 may have the most boring console reveal of all time thanks to Nintendo's poor handling of it. However, the return of one feature could change everything and would likely get fans finally excited about the Switch 2 again. While this feature was present on the original Switch, it should definitely be given the spotlight and returned to its former glory on the Switch 2.
Miis were such an integral part of the Wii and 3DS era, giving players a meaningful way of not only expressing themselves but also interfacing with the games they were playing. A lot of games during these eras featured some form of Mii integration, allowing players to quite literally place themselves within a game in a way that, until the Kinect was introduced a few years later, was unheard of. This went beyond simply creating an instanced character within a singular world as players could put themselves in multiple worlds.
However, when the Nintendo Switch launched in 2017, it took a different approach to its beloved and iconic Miis. Rather than giving them their own dedicated software, Miis were relegated to an option in the settings menu. They no longer felt necessary like they did during the Mii and 3DS eras, and were integrated into even fewer games. Outside a singular game and inclusions in and, Miis all but disappeared on the Switch. Nintendo even tried to replace Miis to an extent with the new custom characters in .
While it is unlikely that there is a secret plot at Nintendo to remove Miis, it does feel like a core part of