Fellow bargain hunters and gaming connoisseurs, rejoice! Today's finest deals have landed, and as per usual, I'm here to sift through them. Whether you’re a platforming aficionado, a hardcore shooter fan, or a lover of social-calendar-destroying RPGs, there’s something for everyone. Let’s stop yacking and start saving.
In retro news, I’ve whipped up a wumpa fruit-flavoured cake for Crash Bandicoot 2's 26th birthday. I can vividly recall getting my arse handed to me at launch as I tried to jump, spin, body slam, slide, duck, and "death route" conquer my way to every gem needed for its secret ending.
I also have fond memories of a Simpsons pisstake of this franchise deployed around the same year. Apparently, "Dash Dingo" needed to find and devour "seven crystal babies" in the "Down Underverse" lest he spend eternity trapped in deep didgeridoo. Frankly, I'd rather play Knifey Spoony: The Video Game.
This Day in Gaming
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