UPDATE: “Update: We are bringing Destiny 2 back online. Players may be placed into a queue while we continue our investigation,” say Bungie
Original story follows…
The latest Episode of Destiny 2 launched a few hours ago and players were immediately hit with server issues, some could not get into the game and those who could were being kicked from activities. As a result of the problems Bungie have decided to take the Destiny 2: Heresy offline.
“Update: As part of the investigation into today’s server and stability issue, we will be bringing Destiny 2 offline shortly for maintenance. Stand by for updates.” reads a message onTwitter posted at 7.40pm GMT.
By the way, if you are no longer using Twitter but find it annoying you can’t see Bungie’s tweets when this sort of thing is happening, then bookmark https://www.bungiehelp.org/ . It’s a fan-made site that harvests the Tweets for you so you don’t have to use Twitter.
Destiny 2: Heresy is the latest episode and finds Guardians heading back to the Leviathan with a new activity called The Nether which features rogue-like elements, for example health will no longer regenerate.
While you are waiting for the game to come back online, might as well take a gander at the patch notes, as usual they are massive.
Episode Heresy
Trials of Osiris
Player Score Stat and Post Game Scoreboards
Playlist Reorganization and Consolidation
Crucible Specific Ability Tuning
Lobby Balance
Map Weighting
Game Mode Rules
Salvation’s Edge
Vesper’s Host
Last Wish
Exotic Class Item
Weapon Archetypes & Subfamilies
PvE Weapon Damage Changes
Weapon Perks
Exotic Weapons
Destiny 2: Heresy
Source: Twitter / Bungie
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