I think it’s fair to say that PC Gamer andHitman: Blood Money have a long, storied relationship. Jim Rossignol once said that'I never get tired of Hitman: Blood Money's inventiveness', while Tom Francis described the assassination sim as'one of the richest, most open-ended and enduringly satisfying games ever.'
That sounds like high praise but, let me tell you, if you've not experienced Hitman: Blood Money then I too would argue that you've not enjoyed the best that the series has to offer. This is because while the more recent Hitman games technically outshine this instalment, it is in Blood Money where the Hitman series' violent, absurd and puzzle-filled heart shines brightest.
Which is why I'm making this timed discount on Blood Money visible to the PC gaming community, with the game reduced by 90 per cent down to under a buck/pound. For me, if you don't own Blood Money, then this is a no-brainer pick-up. Like Hitman himself, for a matter of cents/pennies, you can make a killing.
I've spent longer playing Hitman: Blood Money than any other game in the series thanks to its brilliant balance between rewarding stealth, ice cool combat, satisfying puzzle-solving and, at times, laugh-out-loud absurdity. A fantastic game, and one that currently has over 10,000 'Very Positive' reviews on Steam.
UK price = £0.85
I think the thing I like best about Hitman: Blood Money is just how diverse its levels are, with each contract mission picked up by Agent 47 taking him to a wildly different locale than before. These range from tropical villas, to opera houses, to run-of-the-mill housing estates in suburbia and onto the mardi gras-filled streets of Louisiana, among others.
It's not just an aesthetic thing, either, as these levels have a delightful amount of possibilities in terms of how you navigate their puzzles and, yes, how you execute your assignments. Trust me, it will take you many, many playthroughs of these levels to fully appreciate just how much choice there is
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