Marvel's Spider-Man 2, the second entry in the series by Insomniac Games, is launching in a few months, and the game received an unsurprising rating from the ESRB.
The game's T for Teen rating is in line with everyone's expectations, as it is the same rating as its predecessor. The rating's summary also doesn't provide any new information on the game, talking about both Peter Parker and Miles Morales being playable, their ability to use special symbiote-based and electricity-based attacks, some enemies armed with firearms, some drug dealing and light swearing, which are all part of the typical day in the life of any superhero.
Marvel's Spider-Man 2's October 20th worldwide release date was announced earlier this month during the Summer Game Fest 2023 showcase event. In a few months, players will finally be able to experience the darker tone of the new entry in the series, its new gameplay features and mechanics, which include the aforementioned symbiote-based powers, the dual-protagonist system that allows players to switch between Peter and Miles freely outside of missions, and the new Brooklyn and Queens maps, which, together with the returning Manhattan map, will make Marvel's Spider-Man 2's size around double the size of its predecessor.
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 launches on PlayStation 5 worldwide on October 20th.