NetEase has just revealed the latestgameplay trailer for the upcoming hero, The Invisible Woman. The trailer for Mr. Fantastic debuted yesterday, which gave players a look at his toolkit and what each ability can do. Today, we get a first glimpse at yet another new hero, who is an unseen force and Strategist who can vanish in the blink of an eye.
In the latest trailer, the Invisible Woman is shown vanishing and pummeling the opposition from afar, almost like what we see from Psylocke. Susan Storm is a powerhouse, and that is made very clear by her ultimate ability that shields her allies from harm, keeping players like Iron Man from ulting them into oblivion.
Susan Storm, also known as the Invisible Woman, is a crucial part of The Fantastic Four. While only two of the heroes from The Fantastic Four will be coming in the first half of season one in, The Thing and The Human Torch will be coming in around six to seven weeks. In the comics, Susan Storm possesses two key powers; invisibility and force fields. It seems that the developers at NetEase are staying true to her lore, as her Strategist role grants players the upper hand with sturdy shields and the ability to stealthily sneak around the map to take over objectives and capture points.
Marvel Rivals is bringing an interesting mashup alongside the first season's launch, with the Fantastic Four making an appearance as new heroes.
Not only can she shield allies, butjust like Magneto, she can place a shield on herself to stay alive during a heated battle. While the names of each of the Invisible Woman's abilities are not yet known, the trailer shows players all that they need to know in terms of her toolkit. While there are a few healers, known as Strategists, to choose from, a new one is always welcome for those that main that specific role.
Just 15 hours ago, a Mr. Fantastic gameplay trailer was released, showcasing all of his stretchy-armed punches and brutal head-bashing combos. His ability to bounce an