Blizzard revealed nearly all the Hero Talent Trees with the launch of the War Within Alpha and subsequent builds.
Our Markmanship Hunter guide writer, Azortharion, offers an early review of the Sentinel Hero Talents that while a strong offering in terms of raw damage they do very little to shake up the gameplay of the spec leading into the next expansion.
Sentinel is the last-revealed Hero Talent Tree of the War Within for Hunters, available to Marksmanship and Survival Hunters. Its fantasy seems to be inspired by the Sentinel Army of the Night Elves, with the kit focused around building stacks of the Sentinel debuff on targets. Despite the wording of the debuff, Sentinel works just fine on multi-target.
It works like this; your attacks have a 10% chance to build Sentinel on the target. This debuff lasts 20 minutes, so basically as long as you'll ever need it to. Whenever you generate a stack, there is a chance that you will cause the debuff to «implode», depleting all of its stacks and doing heavy damage in the process. While Sentinel stacks to 10, you will often start imploding it way before you actually get to 10 stacks. The nodes of the tree mainly offer direct and indirect ways of building Sentinel stacks (and therefore implosions) more quickly.
Truthfully, Sentinel does not have a lot of Marksmanship-specific tie-ins mechanically. Everything about Sentinel, bar one node in its tree,