Summoner's Rift, the core map in League of Legends, is one of the most iconic maps in all of gaming, existing in largely the same form for years. But nothing stays the same forever, and Riot has decided that for Season 14, it deserves a major shake-up.
Both the core terrain and layout of the map are changing in some areas, mostly around the river, and monsters are getting a void-style makeover that brings some big new features for some of them. All of these changes will be on the PBE later today for you to try out, or you can wait until early January for their official launch as part of the new season.
Top lane changes:
Bot lane changes:
The updates to the core layout of Summoner's Rift that will likely have the biggest impact are the changes to the top and bottom lanes. Riot's new design for the areas around the river is intended to make red and blue sides more equal when it comes to movement, meaning you no longer have an easier escape or ganking route to one lane depending on your side.
In the top lane you would assume these changes would help blue side more, given the red side’s easy access to the lane from their jungle has been removed, and there's a big curved wall in the way. However, the removal of the brush from the blue side of the river could actually end up making ganks a lot harder.
Bot lane seems to go the other way, with this being an improvement for the red side. No longer do you have a massive trek back to lane if you are forced into the river and can’t get back. And you have a nice new tri-brush to hide in.
Compared to the other two lanes, mid remains relatively untouched, but the one change coming its way seems like a good one. The brushes on either side of the lane have been moved back into the