Jyamma Games has recently unveiled plans for a Closed Beta Test of their Italian take on a Soulslike action RPG, Enotria: The Last Song. Jyamma Games welcomes those looking for a challenge to delve into the vibrant world of Canovaccio, where they’ll need to be adept at not only excruciating combat, but their ability to swap masks on the fly.
Enotria: The Last Song is an action RPG that integrates Italian folklore and culture into its narrative and gameplay, offering a unique Soulslike experience. Players can expect to don role-altering masks and wield the mystical power of Ardore, as they work to free the world of Canovaccio from a state of stagnation and unravel the secrets of this one-of-a-kind fantasy world. The game's premise revolves around defeating the powerful Authors, who are the creators of Canovaccio, and by doing so, you’ll liberate the world from their twisted script, unlock new powers, and become a savior in your own right.
The Closed Beta Test is an early-phase evaluation where selected participants will be bound by a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), but will help the developers by providing the feedback they need to refine the game. Initially, the beta will host just a small group of players, but as testing rolls on Jyamma will expand the number, so you’ll want to make sure you get your closed beta application in as soon as you can if you want to be part of the test. Interested participants should note that registrations for the Closed Beta will close on December 15th.
As a special incentive, all chosen beta testers will receive an exclusive in-game skin as a gift, redeemable upon the game's full release. Andrea Beneduci, the Executive Producer, emphasized the importance of player feedback in shaping Enotria:
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