Long before the franchise introduced the idea of Terastalization, there was a first-generation Pokémon that was made entirely out of crystals. In the anime, there exists a unique Crystal Onix that has captured the interest of numerous fans over the decades. With its unusual appearance being a big mystery in the franchise, players have hoped that there will be answers as to how this particular Onix came to be.
What makes Crystal Onix particularly special is the fact that it was created during a time when the idea of Pokémon having regional variants hadn't even been conceived yet. Not only does this Onix have a unique appearance, but its typing is also different from the Onix that are typically found elsewhere in other regions. This has made many wonder just what exactly is going on with this Crystal Onix, and if it will ever appear in the games.
The Crystal Onyx debuted in the 87th episode of the anime under the same name. This episode features Ash and his companions Misty and Tracey searching for a unique Onix that is rumored to be made entirely out of crystal in the hopes of helping a boy named Mateo regain his inspiration for making glass Pokémon statues. This special Onix is eventually found in a cave on Sunburst Island in the Orange Islands near Kanto.
The biggest Pokémon leak of all time has revealed many cut ideas, designs, and more from the Pokémon franchise, some of which are game-changers.
Besides appearing to be made entirely out of glass, there were numerous other unique aspects of this Crystal Onix that made it particularly special. Its glass skin granted it resistance to Water-type attacks, which the more common Rock-type Onix would be severely hurt by, allowing it to live underwater without any issues. At the same time, however, its glass body was weak to Fire-type attacks, which typical Onix resist.
Despite being located in the Orange Islands between Kanto and Johto, along with its resemblance to the many Terastalized Pokémon found in , this unique
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