Jurassic World Dominion, the sixth installment in the iconic Jurassic Park franchise, is just around the corner with a June 10 release date. Following the events of 2018's Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, the final film in the franchise sees dinosaurs now living and hunting alongside humans and centers on which species will remain the true apex predator of the planet they now inhabit together. It seems Mattel is celebrating the theatrical event of a lifetime in a big way, releasing a ton of Cretaceous Era-worthy sets for dinosaur lovers everywhere.
Mattel is a multinational manufacturer with a storied legacy in the collectibles industry, having been founded in 1945 and home to some of the most beloved toy lines around. Between Barbie, Hot Wheels, Polly Pocket, Masters of the Universe, Monster High and more, it's no wonder that the company sells products in over 150 companies and has become the second largest toy producer in the world. They have also done various film and television collaborations, with access to popular franchises such as Star Wars and of course Jurassic Park. No matter which line of Mattel toys you are looking for, you can find them at Entertainment Earth.
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Online retailer and wholesaler Entertainment Earth is known for its impressively wide selection of incredible toys and collectibles for sale, encompassing popular franchises that range from classic films like The Godfather to fan-favorite DC Comics characters. Now they have added this new line of top quality Jurassic World-inspired Mattel figures and sets to their ever-growing collection of licensed collectibles, action figures, clothing, prop replicas, games, vinyl figures, dolls and more.
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