Boris Ursus comes to take command of Kislev once again, after being saved from a glacial prison by Tzarina Katarin. Yet this great revival doesn’t necessarily mean Kislev is reunited, and the bulwark of the north stands ready to stave off the forces of Chaos.
Instead, Boris Ursus begins south in Greenskin country, and he will need to fight his way back to the Motherland. Starting in Fort Dorznye-Vort, a minor settlement within the Zorn Uzkul province, which can be cinched within ten turns. Watch for the Skaven taking Uzkulany: it’s a simple battle if you leave the provincial capital for last, although that strategy means you’ll need to declare war.
Spend some time to fortify Zorn Uzkul, then set your sights north to defend The Old World from the incoming Chaos. Alternatively, aim south and spend some time against the Greenskins as a palette cleanser.
Boris Ursun is difficult to unlock, if for nothing else than a frustrating quest battle that must be completed by Katarin. Once unlocked, however, and he becomes an absolute joy to play as thanks to buffs to settling and faction-wide growth.
QuestsBoris Ursun doesn’t begin with any quests — missions will be issued as is the norm, and a weapon and armor is doled out at level 7 and 10, respectively.
AbilitiesBoris Ursun is a legend within the Warhammer universe, and for good reason. With natural abilities such as Resttel,er which increases growth across all provinces and waives all resettling fees, Boris Usrun is a natural empire-builder. Don’t be overly concerned about stretching yourself thin, as growth is greatly increased for Boris.
At rank 11, the legendary mount Urskin becomes available which offers an additional 1,300 HP with a +60 to weapon strength, on top of what