One Piece Odyssey is Bandai Namco’s latest open-world JRPG (Japanese Role Playing Game) based on one of the world's most popular manga series, One Piece. In the game, players face intense boss battles, along with colorful and quirky enemies, and come across characters they know and love. The game even features niche characters like Pica, the officer of the Donquixote family.
Players face him in the Dressrosa arc in One Piece Odyssey. This is the second last chapter of the game, and players are usually equipped with all major skills and abilities by this stage.
You will face Pica traversing the New Royal Plateau region to reach the Royal Palace in One Piece Odyssey. After defeating Hakuba, you will have to make your way uphill. This is when you encounter Pica in a cutscene, who appears in a large mountain form. His intimidating appearance, however, is futile as soon as he speaks. His high-pitched voice appears funny to the Straw Hats.
The battle begins after the cutscene. Pica, however, disappears from the scene, and you are left to fight the Donquixote family thugs and a set of rock spikes appearing from the ground. Rock spikes aren't just static debris, though, as they drill into the ground and damage your party members.
You can use Nami’s Thunder Lance Tempo and Sanji’s Poele A Frire Spectre to deal moderate to high damage to multiple enemies. If using Zorro, opt for Black Rope Dragon Twister to chip away health from multiple foes. Use Luffy’s The Conqueror’s Haki, and you are set.
Sabo uses Flame Dragon King, a flame punch that inflicts more than 3000 damage points. Law resorts to his Gamma Knife attack, which significantly damages one opponent at a time. You should remember that Sabo and Law are not playable characters