One Piece Odyssey is an open-world JRPG (Japanese Role Playing Game) by Bandai Namco based on the most beloved anime. Players can partake in various activities in the vast open world of One Piece Odyssey, which is faithfully adapted from One Piece anime and manga. The art style, combat, and characters are all true to their roots, and the robust gameplay adds to the game’s merits.
In One Piece Odyssey, players can come across various enemies they know and love from the anime. The story follows a pattern familiar to the arcs in the anime but with certain twists to keep the experience fresh. One such story arc is when players encounter Captain Tomack in Marineford. To be precise, players must reach Chapter 6 The Paramount War, to face Captain Tomack.
You will encounter Captain Tomack during the Paramount War section of Chapter 6. The Marineford War is ongoing. The precursor to this war is the capture of Ace, Luffy’s brother. This is a large-scale battle, and you will face multiple waves of enemies and characters.
General Tomack interrupts your fight with Kizaru, who flees mid-battle. Tomack is allied with the Marines and is a brute sent into battle to slow down the Straw Hats. Despite not being a mainstream boss battle, the fight can be challenging since he has a big health bar and has several other marines and an officer on his side.
Tomack has three attack types. His primary attack is one axe swing with little to moderate damage. His second type of attack is Wild Heavy Swing. This swing damages two of your party members and induces a fainting status effect. His ultimate attack is Ultra Megaton Break. This is a highly damaging slam that hammers down a single party member.
Marines have a basic attack. The ones with swords swing