The question of how old Yuffie is in has arisen along with the early revelations of how old the protagonist Cloud Strife and some of his companions are. Yuffie Kisaragi is a young ninja who permanently joins the playable party in the second title in the remake series following her debut in the for. In the original, Yuffie was an optional playable character, but this time, she plays an important role in the team’s structure and development.
While Yuffie does originally appear in Midgar in, she only really joins Cloud’s team when they leave the city behind and set off into the larger open world map of . Despite her prowess in battle and being capable of matching her allies in combat strength, Yuffie is much younger than the rest of the group, and that is very notable by the way she interacts with the world and the things she chooses to say. It is safe to say that she lives up to the age she has.
In spite of the many changes that the remake series is making to the original content, most of the character’s traits remain unchanged. Because of this, it is possible to establish that Yuffie is 16 years old in . This is the same age the character had in the original game, released back in 1997. In, there have been no mentions indicating that there have been adjustments to her age, which means it is very likely she is still portrayed as a teenage Wutai ninja girl.
There are signs that Yuffie is much younger than the rest of the group, beyond her looks. The ninja is much more cheerful and full of life than her allies and a lot of her dialogue lines hint at a subtle yet acceptable level of immaturity. There are moments when Yuffie pries on Cloud’s love interests and asks him continuous questions about how he feels about certain characters, like during the Gold Saucer date scene in . She also makes funny suggestive comments about Cloud and Tifa, for instance, as highlighted in a reel posted by clotiOP on X.
The video contains a few spoilers for .
Despite her young age and very