In the ever-evolving world of gaming, graphics have always been a hot topic. As technology continues to advance, I found myself asking the same age-old question when it comes to MMORPGs: do graphics matter? With the launch of games like World of Warcraft (WoW) and Lord of the Rings Online (LOTRO) nearly 20 years ago, we saw the birth of a new gaming era, and at that time, graphically, those games were at the forefront of the MMORPG trend. Now, with the availability of cutting-edge engines like Unreal Engine 5, is there even an excuse for bad graphics in games? On the flip side, could less graphically-intensive games potentially allow for the larger scale battles that MMO enthusiasts crave? Let's dive into these arguments and explore the significance of graphics in MMORPGs.
From EverQuest to World of Warcraft, to City of Heroes and Lord of the Rings Online, when these popular MMORPGs first graced our screens, they were part of a revolution in the online gaming landscape. These games captivated players with their immersive worlds and expansive storylines, creating communities that, in some cases, have endured for almost two decades. The graphics in WoW and LOTRO, while not completely groundbreaking at the time, were adequate for their era and allowed for smooth gameplay.
However, as technology continued to progress, these games had to adapt and evolve to stay relevant. Both WoW and LOTRO have undergone numerous graphical updates over the years, enhancing textures, character models, and environments to keep up with the growing expectations of players. It definitely doesn’t hurt that World of Warcraft adapted a unique stylized fantasy art style that just held up better than the more realistic concepts many fantasy games shoot