A Pokémon fan's adorable new piece of art reimagines a tiny set of Bulbasaur in various poses. The Grass-type starter of Kanto is a long-time favorite for many, with a design that crosses an adorable house pet with the attributes of a tiny dinosaur. Its popularity has remained as strong as Pikachu, Charmander, and Squirtle, appearing in numerous Pokémon generations over the past two decades.
As one of the original three starter Pokémon, Bulbasaur first debuted in PokémonRed & Green (orPokémon Blue for the international release), with its evolution Venusaur selected as the Mascot for Pokémon Green. As such, it has the honor of being listed as the very first Pokémon in both Kanto's Pokédex and, by extension, the National Dex. According to many in-game Pokédex entries, Bulbasaur's trademark back bulb grows from a seed planted there at birth, and this plant then grows alongside the Pokémon throughout its life.
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A new set of images shared by artist alexandrasketch on Twitter depicts an array of tiny Bulbasaur, labeling them "tiny cabbages" in a play on the appearance of Bulbasaur's bulb. The set of twelve sketches, presented as if drawn in pencil or even crayon, shows the Seed Pokémon doing everything from napping to carrying a flower around. One poor Bulbasaur even looks remarkably shocked in the bottom right-hand corner, as if it has stumbled across a dramatic battle or a dangerous Pokémon somewhere just off the page. The overall effect has created a cute collection of art that shows off Bulbasaur's appeal perfectly.
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