A fan recently combined Pokémon and Digimon in a magical new piece of fanart by merging the mystical Alakazam with the noble Wizardmon. Given that they are both monster-oriented franchises that debuted in the late 90s and feature elementally-empowered creatures that battle each other, Pokémon and Digimon have been compared to each other quite a bit over the years — though the many fans of both are quick to attest that they are very different outside of their basic concept. This hasn’t stopped said fans from combining the two in creative ways, such as forming theories that the Digimon are actually Pokémon that players have deleted from their teams.
While this kind of connection is little more than a fun theory, both Pokémon and Digimon share many character archetypes among their respective rosters — including a few patterned after sorcerers or magicians. For example, the magic-wielding Wizardmon has been featured in several Digimon video games over the years, but the most well-known member of the species hails from the Digimon Adventure anime — where he aided the Digidestined in locating the mysterious eighth member of their group during the show’s third story arc. Wizardmon’s Pokémon counterpart could be Generation One’s Alakazam, a Psychic-type known for bending spoons with its immense power just like real-world magic performers. Some fans have already combined Alakazam with the MCU’s resident wizard Doctor Strange, so it was only a matter of time before someone thought to reimagine it as the sorcerer of another famous monster franchise.
Related: Digimon Makes The “Are Pokemon Food” Anime Question Worse
Earlier today, Twitter user VilliamBoom posted a fanart piece that they drew at the request of one of their Patreon
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