Lightyear star Chris Evans has revealed his favorite animated Disney movies. Set to hit theatres this weekend, Evans' new film Lightyear follows the origin story of the iconic space explorer, Buzz Lightyear, who inspired the beloved action figure in Disney/Pixar's Toy Story franchise. Stranded on a foreign planet 4.2 million light-years from Earth alongside his crew, the original Buzz is faced with finding a way home through space and time, all while dealing with a mysterious presence, Zurg, and his ruthless army of robots.
Although the Pixar film has yet to hit theatres, early critic reviews have praised Lightyear's emotional and fun story ahead of its release on June 17. One notable difference in the film from its source inspiration is the re-casting of Buzz Lightyear's original voice actor from Tim Allen to Chris Evans. Allen voiced Buzz throughout each Toy Story movie, with a very distinct, and often hilarious, tone. However, this major casting change serves as a reminder that Buzz the human and Buzz the toy are very different people, marking Disney and Pixar's attempt to break new ground with this unique Toy Story universe spinoff.
Related: Does Lightyear Have An After Credits Scene?
Evans recently sat down with Twitter Movies to discuss Lightyear, and answered a few fan questions along the way. One curious user had the opportunity to ask Evans what his own favorite animated Disney movies are. His answer may be surprising to some, as his top choices include some classics, rather than newer Disney projects like Lightyear. Evans named Robin Hood, Peter Pan, Fox and the Hound, Bedknobs and Broomsticks, and «anything with Angela Lansbury.» Check out the clip below: