On August 23, 2023, Chandrayaan-3 lander made a soft landing on the Moon's south pole, creating history for India. Not only did it make a safe landing, but it managed to disembark Pragyaan Rover which it was carrying safely and this little vehicle has been roaming on the moon for 14 days. It has provided ISRO with some insightful information about the Moon. The discovery by the Pragyan rover can reveal many lunar secrets for scientists.
To honour India's space exploration journey and Chandrayaan-3 mission, MyGovIndia has announced a Chandrayaan-3 MahaQuiz which will be totally based on the Moon mission. Know more about the quiz and how to take part.
According to a post shared by ISRO on X(formerly Twitter), MyGovIndia has announced the Chandrayaan-3 MahaQuiz which will explore facts about the mission. The post said, “@mygovindia has organised Chandrayaan-3 MahaQuiz honouring India's amazing space exploration journey, to explore the wonders of the moon, and to demonstrate our love of science and discovery.”
The quiz offers amazing prizes to the top participants which will be based on their received marks. Below are the mentioned price money for top performers:
1. The highest performer will receive a cash prize of Rs.100000.
2. The second-highest performer will get a Rs.75000 cash prize.
3. The Third-best performer will receive Rs.50000 cash prize.
4. The next hundred performers will get a Rs.2000 consolation prize.
5. Lastly, the next 200 performers will get a Rs.1000 consolation prize.
According to the MyGovIndia report, candidates who want to participate in the Chandrayaan 3 MahaQuiz need to create their own account on MyGov. Once the registration is done, the quiz is available for all the Indians. Once you hit the submit
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