In a recent interview with WoW Classic developers Clayton Stone and Linny Cooke, Crix covered a wide variety of topics related to Cataclysm Classic; including faster gear progression, Class tuning, and even Archeology «Bad Luck Protection». This interview also briefly covered a couple of questions about Season of Discovery and Mists of Pandaria!
Check out the entire interview on YouTube, or read our write-up of the highlights below.
Crix's Interview with Clayton Stone and Linny Cooke
Cataclysm Classic
Dungeons & Raids
- Blizzard is happy with the decision to release the Cataclysm raids in their post-nerf state. They say that the challenge level they have landed on is a better fit for more players compared to the pre-nerf difficulty.
- The devs still want feedback on raid difficulty and are open to making future raids (namely the Firelands raid) more difficult if that is what players want.
- There are still no plans to implement Looking For Raid during Cataclysm Classic.
- There are currently no plans for Dungeon modes similar to M+ in Cataclysm Classic, but they are considering difficulties similar to Alpha/Beta/Gamma Dungeons from Wrath Classic in later Phases.
Class Tuning & Gear Acquisition
- While there are no plans to change Class Tuning from Patch 4.3.2, the developers are willing to balance any outliers in case they crop up.
- There is currently no official announcement regarding increased loot drops or Valor gain, but we can expect more communication on this topic soon.
- Similarly, there might be changes to PvP Gear acquisition, but no word on what that would entail.
- With the hot topic of the Archeology grind, the developers are considering how a «Bad Luck Protection» mechanic might impact players. There will be nothing implemented before launch, and maybe not even before Raids open, but they are considering it.
Phase Cadence & Communication
- The plan for Phase lengths is to keep each Phase at a similar pace, but they want to ensure that