Battlegrounds Mobile India always goes big on events and rewards and players get to experience new themes, gameplay, rewards, and much more. When comes to bringing updates to the game, BGMI makes sure that the players really get thrilled and therefore, stay hooked to the game. Now, the game has released the A3 Royale Pass with another exciting theme. The new Royale Pass also indicated that BGMI will soon be revealing the 2.9 update. Are you excited about the A3 Royale Pass and want to experience it? Check out what it has in store for the players.
The theme of the new A3 Royale Pass Freaky Fiesta, it contains various themed rewards such as outfits, skins, emotes, weapons, and more. The A3 Royale pass was made available yesterday and it will stay live till January 15, 2024. This time the game has introduced two ways of getting the royale pass, one is the Elite pass which is priced at 720 UC and its monthly version is available at 360UC. The other way of getting the pass is to become a member of Elite Pass Plus which is priced at 1920 UC and its monthly version is priced at 960UC.
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The new A3 Royale pass rewards are given based on rank. Players can get their hands on the Ghastly Gloom Helmet, Nitro Maniac Cover and Set, Clockwork Ursa Backpack, Flashy Fox Sidecar Motorcycle, Brawler Master Set, and much more by increasing their ranks.
Go to the game and start increasing your rank by playing in classic maps and completing all your daily missions to increase your ranks. Additionally, make sure to last in the top 10 or win a chicken dinner to increase your ranks with speed.
Now, the game will soon be announcing the 2.9 update with new themes and gameplay. Also, get freebies by redeeming BGMI