One of the risks of melee combat in Baldur’s Gate 3 is enemy’s attacking when you try to flee, which you can avoid with the Disengage action. This will protect you from Attacks of Opportunity, which most enemies can perform whenever you move out of their melee range, giving them a free attack against you character.
If you use Disengage on your turn, it will cost an Action, but when you move out of or through an enemy’s melee range, they won’t get a free attack against you. As it costs an Action, you won’t be able to use most of your attacks on the same turn you Disengage, which is the price you pay for safety. Bear in mind that Rogues can Disengage as a Bonus Action when they get to level 2, making it less costly for them to move around the battlefield.
Related: Baldur’s Gate 3: What’s The Level Cap?
Table of ContentsIf you’re playing Baldur’s Gate 3 on PC, the Disengage action will appear in the block of icons to the right of your character portrait on the bottom of the screen. The icon resembles two arrows pointing away from each other, as demonstrated in the screenshot above.
If you’re playing Baldur’s Gate 3 on a controller, you have to press either L1 or R1 to bring up the action wheel. It’s likely you will have several action wheels and you must press L1 or R1 to cycle through them. You should find the Disengage action listed alongside Hide and Dash, with its icon resembling two arrows pointing away from each other, as demonstrated in the screenshot above.
It bears mentioning that Disengage doesn’t