Mid-March, Blizzard revealed 12 new Hero Talent Trees in a sneak peek at the new system coming with the The War Within expansion.
Our Arms & Fury guide writer, Archimtiros, offers an early review of the Slayer Hero Talents that focuses on two abilities, driven by procs that emphasize both Execute and Bladestorm for single and multitarget damage. While the addition of fantastic quality of life features make Slayer an overall incredibly exciting for Arms & Fury Warriors, there still remains some questions of what single target talent builds focused on Bladestorm may look like in The War Within.
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Available to Arms and Fury, Slayer is the third and final Hero Specialization revealed for Warriors, focused on high frequency Execute and Bladestorm procs to apply constant pressure against both single and multiple targets. Along with that come fantastic quality of life improvements, from finally being able to stun and interrupt during Bladestorm to increased movement speed after using Charge.
As with our previous Mountain Thane and Colossus reviews, the Slayer tree is exciting and full of promise, but how does it