@kyleforrester87 Sorry about the colon: Kyle. Regarding PC gamers and Half Life 2: I actually played Half-Life 2 on both the PS3 and the Xbox 360, but never on PC! Even though I'm not the game's biggest fan, between Journey and HL2, I prefer the latter.
@Kidfried Half-Life 2 was 50x better on PC in 2004, just because it was.
1. Skyrim 2. Mario Galaxy 3. Final Fantasy X (favorite game of all time!) 4. KotOR 5. Smash Bros Brawl 6. Castlevania Symphony of the Night 7. Final Fantasy IX
@kidfried you mentioned I was the tiebreaker for Journey (woot woot!), but I'm curious why that was? Was I the first to vote to for it or something?
@kyleforrester87 I played the first on PC, but I always found playing shooters with mouse and keyboard somewhat immersion breaking, which is why I played the second one on console. Only game that is immersive with mouse and keyboard is Microsoft Excel.
@Buckeye4Life2015 Yea, that's what it was!
List 1 Chrono Trigger (SNES)
List 2 Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (MD)
List 3 Super Mario Odyssey (NS)
List 4 Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (XBOX)
List 5 Metroid Prime (NGC)
List 6 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (NS)
List 7 Final Fantasy IX (PS1)
@Kidfried I played Half Life 1 on PS2, so we are opposites there funnily enough. It was my first twin stick FPS so one hell of a learning curve, even for the seasoned gamer I was at that point in my life!
I don’t dislike controller FPS at all, but you can’t beat M&KB for precision. I played so much Counter-Strike back in the day and it’s just a horrible experience on console with a pad, in comparison. Other games work better, CS is quite a specific case. Orange Box is fine on Xbox, I have played through it.
Not what what my point is/was here, just be careful with the
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