With close to 20 mutations total in , the effects of taking radiation damage in the wasteland can be unpredictable. Mutations provide both positive and negative effects on the player (except for one), and can be tricky to remove without the right remedies. While some mutations are worth getting rid of, there are a few which players will want to keep as long as possible.
Those who want to better manage either keeping mutations or getting rid of them in should invest in the Starched Genes perk, which makes it possible to lock mutations and also lower the chance of acquiring them. Wearing a hazmat suit can be an effective preventative measure, but the best bet for removing a mostly negative one lies with RadAway or a decontamination shower. But, be careful before getting rid of a mutation – it's possible for some of these «afflictions» to be more beneficial than harmful.
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Positive Effect
Negative Effect
Invisibility in combat if unarmored and standing still
Must be unarmored, stationary, and not attacking for effect to work
While all other mutations in have some passive effect that will ultimately hinder the player, the Chameleon mutation does not. The Chameleon mutation allows for the player to be completely invisible when unarmored and standing still. There was a bug at one point that would cause the player to go invisible permanently when combined with the Escape Artist Perk, but this has since been addressed in a recent patch.
Especially with set to expand its map, Chameleon is one of the best mutations because it doesn't take anything away from the player. Other mutations remove health or attributes and make consumables less effective, but not the Chameleon mutation. While unarmored and stationery is perhaps not the most effective combat stance to use, those who are pursuing a stealth build could
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