The trilogy is renowned for its detailed worldbuilding and fascinating characters, many of whom could join Commander Shepard aboard the Normandy on their quest to stop the Reapers. But aside from the crew members and the other characters in more primary roles, there were tons and tons of secondary and tertiary characters that made the galaxy of truly feel alive. These characters were often only interacted with a handful of times, but could have a larger impact on the story as a whole than players expected.
Many of these side characters made surprise returns in future games, with messages sent to the Normandy or in cameo roles during quests. And while 's story and protagonist are yet to be revealed, it is evident that the game will take place in the same galaxy as the original trilogy, meaning that certain side folks could make a comeback. These 10 characters should reappear, not only because it would make sense story-wise, but because they were delightful parts of the series that deserve another appearance.
As enthusiastic as the fanbase is about the protagonist, Commander Shepard, none are more supportive than Conrad Verner. In the same style as 's Adoring Fan, Verner is an overly eager admirer of the Normandy's commander, to the point that he invades their personal space and even buys an exact replica of their armor. He praises Shepard, whether their actions fall more on the paragon or renegade side of the spectrum, and he wishes to one day become just like them.
The galaxy is filled with all sorts of strange people. None more so than Conrad Verner, Shepard's number one fan who pokes fun at Mass Effect itself.
At the same time, he is woefully inept and annoying in his attempts to be helpful, despite Verner being a certifiable genius, which may even lead to his wife leaving him and his untimely death in the third game. Still, it is possible for players to save the man's life if they complete certain side quests throughout the trilogy, and even for him to get a