In a surprise reveal during The Game Awards 2024, Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio revealed two upcoming games unrelated to its widely beloved Yakuza series — not only the Virtua Fighter franchise making a comeback, but a new game called Project Century is also in the works.
RGG Studio’s first reveal of the night came in a trailer just over a minute long starting with a 1931 quote called “Morning Has Broken” with mentions of a blackbird, just as a black bird appears in the trailer itself. It then depicted the start of a fight with a mysterious fedora-wearing character throwing another through a wall.
Recommended VideosBefore you knew it, the trailer ended with the words “READY?” and then the title reveal Virtua Fighter. While there was no mention of a release date, there was a short clip at the end showcasing a glimpse at some gameplay of the fighting game that was originally released just over three decades ago.
<versus-widget x-type=«inline» x-id=«c3b27b42-3f58-427d-b3b2-3c5013ae6598»> Please enable Javascript to view this content</versus-widget>But that wasn’t all. RGG Studio also decided to reveal another new project called Project Century. It started with black-and-white footage that soon turned to color with the year 1915 displayed. This Yakuza-like game looks to be set in Japan over 100 years ago, and has crisp, realistic visuals.
RelatedShort gameplay clips displayed our main character fighting attackers with a variety of weapons, from crowbars to simple fists. All we got from this minute-and-a-half trailer was the studio behind it and the project’s name.