World Productivity Day reminds us about the importance of being productive in our lives. By being productive, we can get more things done and have more time for fun activities. Although it may not be a widely known holiday, it offers a great opportunity to learn about productivity and how to make the most of our time.
World Productivity Day is celebrated on June 20th, and it encourages people to increase their productivity. It's also a time when companies that focus on productivity can showcase their products and services, helping people become more productive. Now that you know what the day is about, let's explore how you can make the most of it by incorporating goal-setting and resolution practices into your life.
This is a leading project management tool that offers innovative solutions for task management and team collaboration. It provides features like team collaboration, task management, file integration, and time tracking. With its custom reports feature, you can track your project's progress, analyse data, and plan accordingly.
Fellow is an app that facilitates effective meetings by providing collaborative meeting agendas and shared note-taking. It helps teams have productive conversations by ensuring clear goals and agendas. You can also record meeting notes and track action items, making it easier to follow up and assign tasks.
This app helps track time and productivity within your team by monitoring app and website usage. It provides detailed information on employees' weekly productivity and helps identify areas for improvement. You can quickly reassign projects and edit schedules using its task management feature.
Troop Messenger is a digital workspace that enables global users to communicate and collaborate