Recent conversation within the Diablo 4 community has centered around «damage buckets» and how players can increase their overall damage by including certain stats into their character's build. While main stat, additive damage, and critical strike chance are all important for increasing a character's overall damage, one of the best damage modifiers in the game is Vulnerable. Diablo 4 Vulnerable Guide Status Buffs and Debuffs in Diablo 4 In Diablo 4, the Vulnerable status effect increases all damage taken by 20%.
It also just so happens the Vulnerable is one of the only damage multipliers in the game. Other damage modifiers include a character's Main Stat, Critical Strike Damage, and Attack Speed. All other damage modifiers, such as Close, Distant, Fire, Cold, Bleeding, etc.
are all put into the same «bucket», so these damage modifiers are considered Additive rather than Multiplicative and do not provide an equivalent amount of increased damage. So while it is still good to have these additive damage modifiers, it is even more beneficial to have multiplicative damage modifiers such as Critical Strike Damage and Vulnerable Damage in most builds. While Critical Strikes will happen naturally (depending on a character's Critical Strike Chance), the Vulnerable status effect must be applied to enemies in order to benefit from its 20% damage increase.
So, how can each class initiate a Vulnerable status effect on enemies? While there are different skills, passives, and legendary powers that increase Vulnerable damage or extend its duration, let's take a look at each class's guaranteed Vulnerable initiators. Barbarian
with Violent Double Swing makes enemies Vulnerable for 1 second. with Enhanced Kick makes enemies Vulnerable for. Read more on