When it comes to Call of Duty: Warzone 2, the majority of aggressive players tend to pick SMGs over any other weapon class. The primary reason behind this trend is due to the fact that they allow for better movement capabilities and boast a lower time-to-kill. These attributes of the SMG class make them ideal for taking gunfights up close, and if the situation calls for it, to escape quickly. However, a popular Call of Duty content creator thinks otherwise.
WhosImmortal is quite popular within the Call of Duty community and has been sharing intriguing insights into the game for quite some time now. In a recent video, he compared the STB 556 to several meta SMGs, including weapons like the VEL 46 and Vaznev-9K. To his surprise, the STB 556 Assault Rifle came out on top in terms of low TTK.
Considering the other attributes of the STB 556, WhosImmortal deemed it the best alternative to an SMG as it lets players engage in gunfights at longer ranges (in comparison to an SMG) and has a much higher bullet velocity. While other stats such as aim-down sight speed and movement speed with the weapon can be slightly lower when compared to SMGs, all of these can be mitigated with the correct attachments.
Keeping this in mind, WhosImmortal came up with the perfect loadout for the STB 556 that takes advantage of the gun's strengths and gets rid of its weaknesses. The end result is a potent Assault Rifle that functions like an SMG with a faster TTK. Here's the loadout that the content creator recommended for the AR in Warzone 2:
Here's how these attachments affect the weapon's performance:
Optic: The Cronen Mini Pro is one of the cleanest optical sights in Warzone 2. While it doesn't offer the greatest magnification, it does provide a clear
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