Freyna is the best elemental attribute character in . She specializes in toxic-inducing damage, which is dealt with as a status effect. She uses a unique strategy with her attack roster, targeting singular enemies. Then, she manipulates her power to spread damage across multiple adversaries, who perish at her hand. She is incredibly versatile, possessing AOE attacks and defensive features, which can be bolstered by using the right Modules and Weapons.
While players might assume that characters who harness a specific elemental attribute are limited against certain bosses in , Freyna's abilities can strengthen her powers, making her limitations work in any battle scenario. Those interested in building her will most likely enjoy going around the battlefield dealing with status conditions to steadily kill enemies over time.
To create the best Sharen build in The First Descendant, players must enhance her Electric-based stealthy abilities with the right Modules & Weapons.
To unlock Freya, a top-tier character in , players must collect all her components, which can be found by taking on particular missions in the Vespers in Normal Mode. Her parts can be obtainable fairly early on in your playthrough, and they have a 20% drop rate.
While this isn't too high of a drop rate, her parts conveniently come pre-built, so once you get all four components, you can craft Freyna straight away by speaking to Magister Anais in the Albion Mountains:
Freyna Parts
Drop Location (Vespers)
Enhanced Cell
The Shelter dungeon
Ruins Path mission
Spiral Catalyst
Ruins Underground Entrance mission
Once you have all the parts you need, you can craft Freyna's Code, which will cost players plenty of Gold and 12 hours of research time. You will also require a Freyna Amorphous Material Pattern in
Drop Location
Sterile Land (Normal) — Void Fusion Reactor
Crafting Cost
Research Time
12 Hours
Alternatively, for those who don't want to wait for the lengthy research time or